Well here I am, again with nothing to do since I've finished everything, in my last week of being a government employee and it's actually gone faster than I thought it would. Well, not fast in the sense that I really want to do it all over again starting from the good old File Room, but it wasn't bad. Not really bad at all. I am glad though that I'll be getting a bit of time off between work and the cruise in August. There are always things I forget that I want to do, that I always say I'll do "when I have time", and maybe during my time off between the end of July and the rest of my life, I'll remember to do some of those things.
I don't really think it's all sunk in yet about university and moving to the dorm. I'll be living at the dorm for 8 out of 12 months of the coming year but my house will still be what I consider my home, in my mind. Somehow in my head it all seems a little temporary, just going away for a while and learning a few things (well, hopefully...and hopefully more than a few) and then eventually I'll be back. I don't know. Maybe I'm in denial about something, but I don't know what. Haven't really spent time thinking about how I'll suddenly be living with 3 or 4 other people and will be going to a new school and a co-ed school, no less. It'll be different for sure. I just don't know how different it'll be or how much it'll affect me. Don't know how this all works and am feeling strangely unsentimental and yet unprepared at the same time.
*shrugs* I don't know. Don't really know how I'm supposed to feel about all this other than feeling the way I feel, but it doesn't make much sense to me anyway. Maybe I'm emotionally closed-off or something, who knows?
And geez, how many times have I said "I don't know" in this post?